Repair denture intraorally or in-lab in minutes with Bredent’s new Qu-Resin and Qu-Connector.
Qu-Resin repairs teeth, flanges, cracks, extensions and additions. Use the Qu-Connector to achieve perfect bonding with PMMA. Comes in pink and dentin and self-cures in just 3 minutes. No pressure pot is ever needed! !
Quick-setting, self-curing denture repair resin based on diacrylate for intraoral and extraoral (direct and indirect) use.
The perfect material when it comes to speed – regardless whether in practices or laboratories. Qu-resin rosa and Qu-resin dentin for standard processing in the laboratory and for direct use in situ. Qu-resin covers a wide indication range thanks to simple handling, quick setting and two colors (pink and dentin).
available in 2 colors (dentin/pink)
54001161 Qu-resin pink kit
54001162 Qu-resin dentin kit
54001163 Qu-Connector, 10 ml
54001165 Qu-resin pink, 50 ml
54001166 Qu-resin dentin, 50 ml
32000450 Mixing Cannulas, 12pk
32000440 Dosing Device, ea
Material Saftey Data Sheet Qu Connector
Material Saftey Data Sheet Component K
The addition of the flange is applied directly in the cuspid area.
The fitted denture has excellent trimming and polishing features
Complete temporary denture utilising both pink and dentin Qu-resin.
No pressure pots are required to cure Qu-resin and it sets in only three minutes.