Ultrasonic Cleaner, Antimicrobial Solution,
Controls Odours in Plaster Trap, Pumice Tray.
Code : 01SON006 |
Material Safety Data Sheet Helpful Tips Use leftover solution in the cuspidor, pumice tray and plaster trap to kill microbes. Use as a chairside pre-soak for instruments to reduce risk when transporting to the sterilization area. Replaces other specific ultrasonic cleaners ( tartar and stain remover, etc. ) Dentures in glass jar filled with Super BioSON gives double wave motion.
One 500mL pouch of Super BioSON should be added to 15L of warm water in the Ultrasonic Bath ( Cassette System, 15 quarts baths of Triangle Pre-soak drawer. ) Set timer for 10 minutes. Replace Super BioSON when solution appears dirty. Effective for up too four days. |
Code : 02SON050 |