Dent-Line of Canada Inc. Toll Free 1-800-896-6544 (for Canada only) 416-858-9865 or Fax No. 416-858-9899

Spring 97


Inside This Issue

1. Trouble Shooting VKS Attachments
2. Bredent’s “New” K2 Wax
3. Technical Education Facility Open
4. OC Female Technical Alert

Advice Equal Solutions

Recently one of our Quebec dental lab customers called to place an order for VKS attachment refills. He mentioned that there were some problems with the combination cases. The removable cast partial without the VKS attachments were not seating properly and were tight. Our technical support staff asked the customer about their lab procedure. We learned that the lab would fabricate the crowns with the male attachment and then send it to the dental office where the dentist would pick up the crown in a rubber base impression. Back at the lab the models and the removable cast partial were then processed. Somewhere during the process, accuracy was lost and thus seating problems occurred. Our suggestion was to use a VKS metal analogue. The crowns are first cemented and then a rubber based impression taken. At the lab the analogues are placed into the impression and the model poured. You now have a model with VKS metal males that will not move during cast partial production Our customer was convinced that we had a solution for his problem and promptly purchased a package of analogues for his lab. For technical assistance regarding the Bredent VKS Attachment System call: 1-800-250-5111 or e-mail us at dent-line of canada inc.

Introducing K2 Exact
from Bredent

k2Precision modelling wax for crowns, bridges and inlays. The recently developed components of this wax offer the maximum stability for modelling and ideal carving properties. raw materials which have under gone multiple purity checks guarantee optimal casting results. Better luminous reflectance and natural colours, makes it easier to shape crowns and bridges anatomically. Also the extremely low shrinkage allows high precision even with feather edges. A short solidifying phase makes it easier and quicker for modelling into the correct tooth shape needed. The strength and homogeneity of the wax give it optimal carving qualities and makes it possible to produce smooth polishing surfaces. K2 Exact comes in grey, yellow, beige and green. Packaged in 60 gram moulds. CallDent-Line at 1-800-859-7589

Bredent Training Facility

As of February 1997, Dent-Line standards of Quality Products and Quality Service will also include Quality Education with the addition of a new state of the art training laboratory. Technicians will be able to get hands on training on attachments, waxing, milling and implants. The Bredent Training Laboratory is located in sunny Miami, Florida. What a great place to visit and learn at the same time! The facility is operated by the American importer of Bredent products. All courses will be conducted by certified dental technologists for more information on courses call 1-800-859-7589.

OC Update – Technical Alert

We have just found out about a potential problem that you should inform your dentist about. If your dentists are using the VKS attachments from Bredent, inform them not to have the patient bite their dentures into place. This causes premature wearing of the male. Passive insertion using the finger’s pressure is recommended.

You Get What You Pay For

Don’t forget that cost performance is considered much more than price. High product quality eases the buyer’s price sensitivity. Nearly 90% of buyers agreed that paying more for quality products and services is more cost effective in the end. Quality adds Value.